Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Problems Make The World Go Round

Image Source: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
People have needs.

If you’re having trouble in the love department then you may have just made a very narrow conclusion regarding that last statement.  Seriously though, people have a wide variety of needs; these needs must be met in order for quality lives to be led.  Maslow’s hierarchy is a perfect outline of the tangible and intangible needs that individuals have.

When needs, or even wants, are not met, problems arise.  There has to be effort exerted to address these problems. 

Problems can be big or small (#firstworldproblems).  Only having creamy peanut butter in the house when you’re craving crunchy peanut butter is still a problem even if just slightly.  More difficult problems include relationship trouble, financial hardships and health and safety issues.  

For each problem there is a solution, or at least a pursuit of a solution.

For all the negatives that problems bring I think there are some important positives as well. 

One positive is the fact that problems provide purpose (a lot of alliteration going on right there).  When a problem arises, action has to be taken to solve it.  Essentially they give us things to do.  What would we do if there was nothing to do (Paradox)?  What would we do if there were no problems?  Think of it this way.  Firefighters fight fire, but if there ceased to be any fires they would have nothing to do.

Think of any profession and it is tied to solving a problem stemming from some need.  A doctor solves problems related to illness and injury because people have a need to be healthy.  An advertising executive creatively promotes products and services for particular companies which seek to fulfill some need for their customers.   

Problems that arise for you may give you purpose to solve them.  Your problems may give others purpose as well, and vice versa. 

When you look at the world this way, as a constant stream of problems and solutions of various magnitudes, things seem to make a little more sense. 

A second positive is the development that occurs when you face and respond to troubles.  Solving problems helps you grow and learn; it shapes you. 

The next time you face a problem just remember that it is a piece to the puzzle of life and contributes to the functioning of the world.  Embrace it, and solve it!
