As a recent college graduate (can I even call myself that anymore since it’s been exactly a year already?), just beginning a career in marketing, I find myself looking up a lot. Even when I’m looking down—typing at my computer, reading through papers on my desk, etc.—I’m still looking up! There isn't anything physical up above me drawing my attention. There’s no chandelier hanging down dazzling me with fine golden detail and a radiant glow—there is something just as beautiful and desirable though, something intangible, and my mind is constantly focused on it.
What is it? It’s experience. Experience looms over me. My superiors, my colleagues, and clients all have it. Some have varying degrees of it, but the majority of them have a lot of it. They have a deep understanding of business and are extremely well-versed in marketing strategy. They are seasoned veterans who know the ins and outs of the industry—their strategic high-level thinking together with their ability to drill down “into the weeds” and proficiently address minor details is incredible. They know the answers. They know the next steps. Their minds have developed over time to become solution-generators. It’s second nature to them, but something that I’m only beginning to truly develop. I listen, observe, and soak up as much as I can. Very often I’ll witness one of these sharp marketers do or say something extremely insightful. It makes my eyes light up and my mind do a double-take!
(This isn’t some ploy to gain favor with the individuals I am speaking of—trust me, they have better things to do than read my posts. I’m simply expressing my desire for their level of ability. On the off chance that they do come across this though…boom! Brownie points secured for sure.)
I work in an environment where most of the professionals I interact with have been around awhile. They’ve been in the working world long enough to speak of “past lives”—previous jobs or even entirely different careers. To put it into perspective, the Creative Director of the agency I work at has done work for companies beginning with every letter of the alphabet! I imagine you’d have to be around awhile to have done work for a “V,” “X,” “Y,” “Z,” or “Q!” It blows my mind. When a lot of these folks were earning their first promotions I was just getting out of diapers! Obviously I have some catching up to do.
I cannot help but think about the skills, talent, and knowledge all around me and the experience that developed and refined it. It’s amazing, it’s intimidating. It frustrates, yet inspires. I love it. I hate it. I want it!
How do I get it? With such a gap between myself and the professionals around me, how can I join in their ranks?
I've found that these two qualities do the trick.
Believe and trust yourself in the workplace. Don’t be afraid to perform. When you are doing something new or something you are unsure about, approach it with focus and then respond to the outcomes proactively. Trust the experience and education you've cultivated, regardless of how it stacks up against everyone else’s. Picture who you want to be and be it, picture what you want to do and do it.
Not too long ago, I read Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill—I highly recommend it to anyone that wants to accomplish something amazing, but needs a little motivation and perspective. He discusses keys to success. One concept that came to mind as I was writing this was autosuggestion, “the agency of communication between that part of the mind where conscious thought takes place, and that which serves as the seat of action for the subconscious mind.” Put in another way, it is all of the stimuli you create that reach your mind. Hill conveys the importance of autosuggestion by stating its implications: “Every man is what he is because of the dominating thoughts which he permits to occupy his mind… [those thoughts] will eventually reproduce themselves in outward, physical action, and gradually transform themselves into physical reality.” Essentially the thoughts that you feed your subconscious mind will become reality. Hill says that if you consistently feel yourself in possession of that which you desire, it will eventually be yours.
If you consistently internalize the idea of having experience and abilities beyond your current state and are confident that you will attain the heights you seek, your actions will work to that end and you will have what you want.
Being the best at what you do isn't easy. Getting better and better, improving over time is much easier. That’s persistence. You need to show up every day and consistently give it your best shot. Be mindful of what you have done so you can change moving forward. Mistakes and failures are just guideposts, or rather caution flags, for future action. Always cultivate new knowledge. Ask questions, find answers, figure how things work, and how those things work together with other things and you’ll be on your way to true understanding that usually only comes with time.
Do you want to be the person everyone looks at and says, “Wow, I've been in his shoes” or, “Yeah, I remember when I was just starting out like that?” No! You don’t want to be that person. You want people to look at you and say, “That kid just keeps coming back for more! He’s going to do something big one day.”
I realized you don’t have to have it all figured out. The experience will come, but until then you just need to keep on keepin’ on and never skip a beat!
And remember, Rome wasn't built in a day.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
Wear A Riskwatch!
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Image Courtesy of John Kasawa |
A lot of people have accomplished great
things through conservative means,
but what about the people that made it big,
real big, the ones who did things
that changed the world and truly made an
They took risks.
“Steve, where have you been? We’ve been checking your blog religiously,
but have not seen a single post since October of 2012! We are worried sick. You probably haven’t seen all of our fan mail
Rest assured! I’m back—alive and well! Better than usual actually!
Emerging from my impregnable shelter
earlier this month, I was shocked to see the world intact and society
functioning as usual—it turns out the 2012 Mayan prophecy was a sham! I was expecting an apocalyptic wasteland when
I resurfaced. I was ready to take on the
challenge of rebuilding the planet and had plans to bring our world back to its
previous state and go a step further by catapulting our civilization into the
future with extraordinary enhancements.
Since there has not been any catastrophic event calling me to heroic action,
I am forced to continue in my more basic pursuits.
After my earth-shattering realization (oh
the irony), I returned to my societal routines.
I was back in a system of order, and accountability. The other week I was reminded of one of the most
fundamental features of our society—time!
I was prompted to “spring forward,” adjusting for daylight savings by advancing
an hour ahead (or as I like to view it, travel through time). From seconds to minutes, hours to days, years
and beyond, we continually track the passing of time—we’ve devised units of
measure and have been able to coordinate the far reaches of the world to
operate within an elaborate framework of tics and tocs.
Since taking on the role of account
executive at a marketing firm, I have been very conscious of timing. Countless campaigns, meetings, and project deliverables
all must be scheduled and coordinated. I
need to be cognizant of when all of the agency’s work must happen, and manage
my own time efficiently to ensure I do everything promptly.
Given the nature of my position, I
figured a watch would be a useful tool to incorporate into my wardrobe. Tracking the time is very important and gives
you an upper hand in almost any situation—it gives you more awareness leading
to more control over outcomes. I’ve come
to realize a few key truths ever
since donning the slick Casio with the black strap:
- Your time is limited. If history can provide any foresight, you will not live forever.
- Opportunities come and go. You’ve probably heard the expression, “window of opportunity.” They present themselves for a finite period, but can shut you out in an instant.
- Time will move forward.
- You’re constantly aging!
- Regardless of what you do or what happens to you, time will continue on its merry way.
If you
know something will make you happier, but it involves a risk in order to happen,
just remember:
- Your time is limited. Take your chance while you can.
- Opportunities come and go. Move quickly! When life surprises you with a daily double, and it’s in a category you’re fairly confident with, you make it a true daily double! You wager it all (okay, everything but $1—you don’t want to be that guy that didn’t make it to final jeopardy), take advantage of the opportunity, and place yourself on the path to success!
- Time will move forward.
- Your future is closer than you think. What do you dream it to be like!? Take the risk to make that dream a reality.
- Oh yeah, risks can result in negative consequences too, but the clock will keep running, life will go on! Take your shot, and rest assured that the world will carry on, you’ll learn from any misfortune, and you can continue the pursuit.
Accept that feeling of vulnerability for
a change, feel alive. Be reminded by
wearing a watch.
Make the move, take the risk!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
You Don’t Have To Wait Until Halloween To Be Something
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wait for it... |
When you’re young you’re often asked the
question, “What do you want to be
[when you grow up]?” Once you reach a
certain age the question becomes, “What do you do [for a living]?”
This slight change in wording can alter your
perception of everything, including yourself.
Somewhere along the line, the sense of passion, personality, and
possibility has a tendency to fade away.
The original question that we often hear as youngsters, is centered
around “us,” you and I as individuals.
It hints at a future in which you will “be” something, stand for
something, and act purposefully. The
second question lacks the personality component that the first contains. It hints at an existence where tasks are
performed to sustain oneself and fails to acknowledge the core values driving
those actions.
Some people might say something to the contrary,
proposing that doing is more important than being, by saying, “aren’t actions
more important than words, and don’t your actions define who you are?” I would say that yes, your actions are
important. They do define you in a sense;
more precisely, they define the “you” that
you become. Our actions, though, are driven by who we are, which includes
who we want to be. Our actions
are things that follow and result from those initial values and ideas.
So obviously, who we “are” is important.
to maintain that meaningful perception of ourselves and others I propose a few
- Think of yourself first as a collection of values, and meaningful ideas and then secondly as the things you do as a result
- Respond to inquiries about what you do by talking about who you are (your past, your interests, key personality traits, values, wants etc.) and then lead into the things you do (your profession, roles, functions, activities)
- This doesn’t have to be a long drawn out story either
- Frame questions to others with the word “being” in mind; rather than asking, “what do you do?” which is very limiting, you can say, “tell me about yourself,” which will reveal qualities, characteristics, and reasons behind a person’s actions
(I could give a dull answer and then follow up with more information or…)
“Well, I really love working with people and enjoy being part of a creative process. I have a strong interest in business, especially the strategies used to reach customers. I am Assistant Account Executive at The Verdi Group, a marketing firm that helps clients gain strong customer and prospect response through the implementation of unique and powerful solutions. I coordinate projects for clients, ensuring their timely, cost effective, and quality completion and successful implementation.”
A couple of sentences at the beginning
of the response gives some insight into who I am and why I am doing what I
Using this perspective might even
lead you to realize that what you are doing doesn't parallel who you are or who
you want to be.
Halloween is right around the corner I have been hard at work brainstorming
what I will be. I’m going as some type of “duo” with my friend. I thought I would share some of the best ideas:
- One of us with a t-shirt reading, “Legen,” the other, “Dary”
- One of us with a t-shirt reading, “Somebody, that you used to know,” and the other, “Somebody, that you’ll call… maybe”
- Prince William (dressed very preppy) and Prince Harry (no clothes needed!)
- Hockey player and coach with locks around our necks (NHL Lockout)
- Scientist and Scientologist
- iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 (both dressed in white, but one slightly taller than the other)
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Diamonds Are Not Forever
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Image Courtesy of Anusorn P Nachol |
Do you feel that chill? If you are one of my many readers hailing
from the tropics, I do not mean the breeze flowing from the vent in your
air-conditioned dwelling. I am of course
referring to the actual climate change occurring in the North-Eastern United
States. Winter is already creeping in on
the fall, which has really only just arrived.
Sadly, this means that summer has passed. It couldn't last forever, just like
everything else.
The summer is always a
wonderful season; it’s warm, bright, and full of adventure. This year’s was even more of a treat thanks
to all of the excitement of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games held in London. In my opinion, the greatest moment of the
games, beyond the games, would have
to be the opening ceremony. There are
two main reasons. First off, her majesty
(is that really necessary when the next part of your title is “Queen”…) Queen
Elizabeth II was escorted to the Olympic Games, via helicopter ride and then an
adrenaline-fueled parachute jump, by none other than James Bond (cue the 007
spy theme). Secondly, Sir Paul McCartney
concluded the ceremony beautifully and powerfully with the Beatles’ hit “Hey

A few days after this surge
in spy-related thought, the title Diamonds
Are Forever still lingered. I thought
about that phrase for a while. The words
“diamond” and “forever” have been used together before. The line, “A Diamond is Forever” was created
in the 1950s by an advertising copy-writer working on the De Beers
account. It is definitely one of the
most impactful and well-known tag lines in advertising history. In my opinion, it perfectly and poetically
represents the enduring physical characteristics of, and strong emotional bond (advertising
at its best) created by a diamond.
It is great copy-writing, but
haven’t you ever heard of someone losing their diamond ring, or having a change of heart? Boom! Nothing is forever, not even a diamond.
some things last longer than others, but in the end nothing will last forever. This includes things both material and
immaterial. The immaterial part includes
ideas, emotions, and feelings. Some
might say that some very enduring things do exist; yes they do, but are they
ever completely unchanged? Change is something that always finds its
way into life. Sometimes it is positive
change, sometimes it is negative change, and perhaps even neutral other times. It is part of the natural ebb and flow.
If you choose to take this
view, you can enjoy more of life and worry about a lot less.
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Diagnosis: Fuel-Pump Disorder |
I felt upset and depressed as
Friday evening rolled around and I was sort of stranded; one unsuccessful turn
of a key and there I was with a big 4,000 lb. problem in front of me. My best bud was planning to visit that night,
but I attempted to preempt the get-together because of a change in mood (I had
better things to do like sulk over my misfortune). Before my friend could respond to my negative
expression, I retracted my previous statement and labeled it a lapse in
judgment. I quickly replied with
something to the effect of, “scratch that, can’t wait to see you bud; tonight
will be legendary.” He showed up, and we
had a blast! I may not have forgotten
about the car issue, but it sure didn't matter as much.
Experiencing a steady period
of good fortune, then a low point, and then a high point soon after, made me
realize something. Diamonds are not forever— favorable situations cannot last as long as you’d like, but on the other
hand troublesome or adverse periods do not last as long as you fear they might.
the transitory nature of life teaches us two lessons:
1. Embrace
the good things, wholeheartedly, while they last. Be grateful for your health and everything else
you have, and cherish the people that are close to you. Don’t take anything for granted.
2. Don’t
dwell on difficulties, negativities, or losses.
Their effects cannot last forever, especially if you work to overcome
them. As the famous saying goes, “this
too shall pass.”
Sunday, September 9, 2012
The Joy of Competition
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Image Source: Melody Burri, Messenger Post Media What up! In the zone right here! |
This is the 21st blog
post I have written (I am patting myself on the back). I had planned on the 21st post to
address and explain 21 Orchard, but given the ever-changing nature of the world
(I sound so philosophical) the plans changed and that post will have to
wait. The change happened for a good
reason though.
Saturday’s events were LEGEN… wait
for it, I’ve obviously been watching way too much How I Met Your Mother… DARY!
Yes, like Barney I am very liberal with the use of the term “legendary,”
but this account is still worth sharing.
The story begins with a flashback to this past Tuesday. After a short a period of absence from the
gym I went to pump some iron that night.
I did my usual chest and triceps workout, which is pretty exhausting and
enough to make me want to devour a 30-gram protein bar in under a minute. When I was finished, I didn’t leave, and I
didn’t have the chocolaty peanut buttery bar in my hand ready for annihilation.
I wasn’t completely finished. When I
first registered at this YMCA I saw that there were a variety of exercise
classes held each day that I had access to as a member (can you say VIP?). This
Tuesday I figured I would buckle down and participate in the core-workout class
right after weight lifting. I consider
myself to be pretty athletic and felt prepared for this 25-minute session. In short, it was definitely a workout and
more than I expected. I was using
muscles that I haven’t probably ever used, and the rest periods were, well,
there were none. I felt great afterwards
though! It was an intense trip to the
gym. I woke up the next morning, but
probably shouldn’t have. For the next
three days I was sorer than I have been in ages. It felt like Ivan Drago had used my midsection
as a punching bag for a half hour straight.
I know why my muscles were sore, but why were my ribs!? Anyway, it was very uncomfortable, and during
those days all I wanted to do was lay down (and watch How I Met Your Mother).
While I was in this state of
recovery I was worried. What was I
worried about? I felt like I wasn’t
going to be able to compete in the 5K race that I had signed up for, which was
to be held in a few short days. I had
dropped $20.00 for the race which would be my first of the kind. I didn’t want the money to be lost, and I had
been so excited to compete. I enjoy
going for runs, and I figured the race could be a lot of fun. Also, it had been a while since I had been a
part of a competition. Fantasy football
is definitely competitive, but it doesn’t have that physicality I need! On Friday night I knew that there would be a
game-time decision for this early-morning 5K.
I came home from work, ate, and went to bed early (my aching body needed
only two things: protein and sleep). I’d
mention the exact time I hit the hay, but then I might be likened to a 70
year-old man; I will not stand for that!
I woke up on Saturday with enough
time to make my decision. Bam! It was made!
I was doing this thing. I woke up
feeling refreshed, and ready to conquer the world. I made it to the race location, received my
number, and gathered with the rest of the runners. I was there to compete and despite the sight
of some very conditioned athletes, I was still pumped and ready to perform.
I had my back-up iPod in hand,
because my go-to iPod had died a few weeks back. The aging iPod Mini in my grasp was an
unreliable piece of audio equipment, but I was hoping it could last the race
(more incentive to run fast). Blondie’s Heart of Glass was all queued up (I’m an 80s music fan) and
ready to send some motivating vibes through my ears, but the iPod battery shut
down immediately and the screen turned darker than night. Seconds later the signal was given to start
the race. I started running, and I kept
hold to the ounces of electrical circuitry that once brought me musical
pleasure, but now was nothing more than a piece of junk weighing me down.
After 15 seconds I was in third
place overall! I told myself to start
strong and feel the pace of the front-runners.
They were fast indeed! I was soon
passed by some sweaty bodies (so much for third), but after a while I felt like
I was in a good position and moving at a decent pace. The occasional runner passed me as I
continued forward. There were a lot of
hills and I was definitely feeling it in my legs and lungs. I still had the iPod in my hand and I wanted
to get rid of it. As I passed one of the
volunteers on the road I lofted the mp3 player to him and said, between breaths,
“You can have it!” He looked at me
strangely, but caught it and gave a nod of understanding. Bam!
The worthless iPod was gone. I would be
able to sprint ahead feeling lighter than ever right? In a dream world, yes. In the real world, no. It was nice having my hands free, but that
didn’t mean much for the rest of my body.
There was a lot of road ahead and I had to maintain my pace. I tucked the headphone jack into my waistband (they're decent headphones) and carried on.
As I continued up and down the
route (mostly up considering the long hills) I saw spectators on the side of
the road. They made positive and
inspirational comments and held out cups of water for the runners! I thought to myself, “This is awesome. I’ve
only seen this kind of stuff on television.”
I wasn’t thirsty and wasn’t over heated, but I grabbed a cup of water
and threw it back in my face and neck like a seasoned veteran. I couldn’t pass it up. I had to immerse myself in the experience.
After that brief splash of
amusement, I realized there was still about a mile left. After that “checkpoint” where I knew the
distance, I was starting to struggle. I
asked two people on the side of the road how far the finish line was, but they
apparently had no clue. A handful of
minutes passed and I was wondering how much longer I could hold out. Then, I heard someone off to the right say,
“Keep it up! Only a hundred yards left.” At that moment I thought to myself,
“Whew! Let’s finish this baby
strong!” I looked ahead, and I could see
the finish line. There were two men
ahead of me, within striking distance! I
kicked it into sprint mode (as close to it as possible) and I saw the distance
between myself and the other two runners lessen. I was going to do it! I had the adrenaline pumping and I managed to
pass both of them. I leaned forward as I
crossed the finish line (a little dramatic in hindsight) and was elated to have
had such a strong and successful push at the end. I was done.
I spent some time regaining my
breath and took a seat on a curb. A
woman came up to me shortly after and said, “You’re just the man I’m looking
for. What’s your name?” That happens to me all the time with random
women (I wish). Anyway! Me.
Picture. Newspaper. Bam! I
don’t consider myself to be photogenic, but something about my final effort to
the finish caught this woman’s eye, and she snapped the shot featured
A little later I checked the
finish times, and although a lot of individuals finished before me I placed 1st
in my age group (19-24)! Success! A few days prior I was struggling to
straighten my torso, but in this moment I was a champ.
The awards ceremony took place
about an hour later. I was so hungry at
that point. Much to my surprise, I had
won not only a blue ribbon but a $10.00 gift certificate to a restaurant as
well. It happened to be a restaurant
right near my apartment that I had wanted to try. That was convenient. The gyro I ended up having definitely hit the
All in all it was a wonderful
day. I had an awesome experience, met
some great people before and after the race, and gained some motivation to
continue pushing my physical limits and enter more races and competitions in
Compete! It gives you a shot at winning, which is
always a great feeling, and even if you don’t win, the experience is usually
thrilling and filled with fun. If you
find yourself in a similar position that I did, uncertain about competing
because of some reason (soreness), think about the wise words coined by some
unknown advertising copywriter working for Nike and “just do it.”
Friday, August 31, 2012
Yo, I'm 80
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Image Source: |
Making a strong declaration with
a confident tone is an admirable and respectable action that isn’t done that
frequently. It extends beyond the words
spoken and displays the strong conviction and belief an individual has in an
idea and in themselves. How often have
you heard someone inflect their voice at the end of their speech indicating
uncertainty? I know that the latter happens far more often (see what I did
there?). So what leads people to this
confident state of being where a statement can be made without feeling an ounce
of doubt?
I believe that having a positive
attitude regarding yourself and your position in life, whatever it may be,
leads to a more confident disposition, more fulfilling experiences, and a
generally happier time on this earth. If
you can embrace who you are, where you came from, and what you stand for then
everything else appears to be much clearer.
It becomes easier to take risks confidently and disregard the consequences of failure.
This idea sort of revealed itself
to me a few days ago at a public library.
I am currently without an internet connection in my new apartment, and
so I have been venturing the hundred steps or so to the local library (great
location, I know) nearly every day.
While I was using far more than my fair share of bandwidth (I have yet
to obtain my library card), I noticed something. An elderly gentleman gingerly made his way
through the stacks and carefully took a seat near the Large Print shelf. What caught my attention was the baseball cap
he had on. It was plain gray except for
the baby blue lettering on the front, above the brim. It read, “Yo, I’m 80.”
I was excited in an instant. Here was someone that just made an incredible
first impression on me by doing nothing more than feature a strong idea on his
attire. As soon as I read the enlivening
expression I imagined this man saying it to someone. I imagined him saying it as though he were
brushing off some insignificant mishap, justifying his knowledge and wisdom, or
just introducing himself (after an unexpected, hip handshake) and making a
strong impression. In any instance, the
statement sends the message that this guy knows who he is, and he is proud of
it (maybe even cocky…).
people might say a confident move is made when you believe what you say or do. I realized that a true confident move occurs
when you say or do what you believe. This guy believed he and his age were awesome
and he expressed it. Once you understand
yourself and acknowledge your strengths and accept your shortcomings (which you
might soon turn into strengths) and take a positive view of them, you’ll know and believe yourself. Everything you do from that point will exude
confidence because it comes from the internal belief.
Who are you? Figure it out and believe it! Be bold!
Yo, I’m 22!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
The Opposition Network: Your Key To Achievement
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Image Source: |
Have you ever accomplished something that
required you to put forth great amounts of effort? I’m sure you have. Have you ever seen someone else
post-triumph? I’m sure you have seen
that. In the moments after
achievement one can look back at the road
to victory. I’m sure you have
thought about how you made it to that winning moment, or have seen a glimpse of
another’s path to success.
The picture that comes to
mind is someone accepting an award or being commemorated. Traditionally a few words are offered by the
recipient of the recognition. These are
most often words of thanks that are directed toward teammates, mentors, soul
mates, coaches, family, friends, co-workers or other members of their support
network. These are people that have
helped to bring the individual to new heights by providing emotional strength,
bestowing knowledge, offering guidance, collaborating, motivating, inspiring,
and caring.
I believe this network is
very important in aiding an individual’s pursuits, but I believe that a
different network creates a far superior desire and motivation for
I like to call the other
group the opposition network.
The opposition network is
filled with naysayers, fierce competitors, disapproving individuals, and those
dishing out the cold hard truth. It is a
network that mines deep within your soul and starts a fire that emits sparks of
doubt, pain, punishment and fear that reach every part of your being. In response to this the body overpowers the
flames and infuses elements of desire, meaning, drive, purpose and
Although it is powerful, the
support network will not allow you to reach your full potential. I see the support network as being a set of
individuals with positive outlooks; these outlooks can delude them and the
individual they are supporting. There
seems to be a lack of truth and reality in this network. That is where the opposition network comes in.
opposition network completes the picture, offering a clear view. It enhances purpose and motivation. It gives you someone to prove wrong, others
to compete against and critics to learn from.
It is a relentless force that can push you to the limits and in turn
reach greatness.
In an effort to build this
network, which I highly suggest considering the benefits, try to:
A competitor
will keep you on your toes, offer you a way to measure yourself, and push you
to perform at your best. This
competition can range from a friendly contest to an intense rivalry in which
there is a single focus on outdoing the other in a quest to be number one.
Find The
closely to find those around you that either do not believe in you or believe
in what you are pursuing. Use this as
motivation to show them you CAN and to prove the worthiness of your pursuits.
Seek The
In an effort
to develop, you need to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. You need to know the ins and outs of your
efforts and the variables present in your environment. Find the people that will offer you the truth
without regard for your feelings. The
raw information will be the feedback necessary to focus your attention on areas
that need improvement.
Finding the optimum balance between
your support and opposition will give you the best chance for success.
Use the opposition!
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