Monday, December 26, 2011

Well, What Now? - New Year's Eve!

Image Source: Dream Designs

Today may be the day after Christmas, but the hype hasn't diminished; it has just gained a new source.

The source of course is the new year.  2012!

The month leading up to Christmas, and even the month before, are filled with anticipation like no other.  The number of decorations increase exponentially as the day approaches, and holiday advertisements flood every medium in existence.  I'd like to think that people also find themselves in better moods.  Some people experience great joy because they have the opportunity to give to others, and many are enticed by the fact that they may receive something special.  The thought of being together with family and friends makes the coming holiday more interesting as well.  I use the word "interesting" because everyone knows that a large gathering of friends and family, some admired more than others, has the potential to turn into a scene. There is also, as always, the opportunity for the proverbial Christmas Miracle.

It eventually arrives.  In short, Christmas morning comes, everyone has fun, the rest of the day is filled with cheer, and at night, exhausted, and satisfied, everyone goes off to bed.

If this were any other holiday, the next day would consist of an individual waking up and slightly worrying.  All this excitement the day before, and now what?  "How long until the next holiday!?"

This morning I woke up, and danced my way to the kitchen to pour some Kashi Go Lean Crunch.  It was difficult to finish off my morning fuel because I couldn't help but smile.

I knew that in less than one week it would be New Years Eve!

It is the culmination of the previous 365 days of your life, and the start of the next 365.  If you had an amazing year like no other, this is the opportunity to cap it off perfectly and begin another with a bang.  If you had the most terrible, awful experience that you would never wish upon another human being, this is your opportunity to forget it all and have an awesome time ringing in another year of possibilities.

The week in between the two holidays is likened to paradise.  You can soak in the warm feelings of the first, and plan for the second, which has the potential to be the greatest night of your year.

I'll take this week to reflect on the past year, and prepare myself for the next one.

My plans for this New Year's Eve are still up in the air, and that makes the night that much more exciting.  I know that wherever I end up though, I'll be bringing my A-game.

Simultaneously end and begin on the right note.  - New Year, 2012

P.S. Party.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Don't Know What's Next? Structure Time!

Image Credit: Renjith Krishnan

Do you have structure?

Structure in your life allows you to function comfortably within a framework.  It guides you day to day, and gives you piece of mind when peering into the future.  Structure brings clarity; you know where you stand and have a starting point for examining all of your options.  

Sometimes though, we lose some of that structure and feel lost.  This can happen for a variety of reasons, mainly stemming from change.  As a soon to be college graduate I am facing a situation in which nearly all of the structure I have known is rapidly dissolving.  Up until this point in my life the educational system has provided my "to do list," and "map."  I have decided to forgo the route of graduate school, and so with the toss of a cap I will be tossed into a sea of change.  Gone are the days in which I have guide posts and out of bounds markers laid out for me.  The structure I have known will be gone, and I will have to respond somehow.

If you find yourself in a similar position, in which you face change, and uncertainty, rest assured because I have some helpful solutions that I've been using.  

So how will the structure once again be established?  You could wait and it probably would naturally occur, but a more active approach gives you control immediately.

The solution is to take action and build a 20 mile high skyscraper!  That is a metaphor, of course.

Focus on yourself
Taking time to understand yourself is imperative.  Stare at yourself in the mirror for five or ten minutes without any distraction.  I do this sometimes just because I like what I see.  Seriously though, think about who you are.  Who have you been up to this point in your life?  Who do you want to be from this point on?  

This is pretty simple.  The worst thing that you can possibly do when facing a loss of structure is sitting around thinking, and worrying about it.  Stay occupied with whatever interests you.  Personally, I like to workout and run.  This can be a hobby, sport, activity, or just hanging out with friends; it is something that makes you happy.   

Commit to something
Start consistently doing something productive.  This could be working a job.  It could be searching for a job.  It could be an entrepreneurial venture.  It could be learning something new, or contributing to a cause.  This commitment should be something that will allow you to set goals, and work toward something more.  There should always be a reason behind your commitment.  

Structure through anti-structure
Stay flexible.  Create just enough structure to be confident in your direction; too much may be constrictive, not allowing for any growth.  When opportunities arise you need to be ready to pursue them.  Even when you find yourself content, change can occur in an instant, so being mentally prepared is vital.  

Well, I'm ready to conquer the world.  

Are you?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Add This To Your Business Card

Image Credit: Savit Keawtavee 

Effective networking is the key to success.

When I think about networking, many of these words come to mind: conversations, connections, and opportunities.  The image of a business card is always present as well.  It is the classic networking tool.  Exchanging business cards after an opportune interaction is the perfect exit.  Sharing your contact information with the other party sends the message that you would like to connect in the future.

Now, with print companies offering extremely affordable business cards left and right, with freebies as well, it wouldn't surprise me if they outnumbered the grains of sand on this planet.  I'd like to say that everyone has a business card, but that's not true.  Everyone could have one, easily.  So with all of these competitive individuals out there, with easy access to this classic networking tool, how will yours stand out?

I realize that it is nearly 2012, and networking technologies are growing at a rapid pace.  I could write endlessly about the different technology features you could incorporate in your networking pursuits.  I definitely advise you to use personal landing pages, social and professional networking sites, social media of all varieties, and smartphone applications; these tools will give you an advantage, no doubt.  Having these mediums listed on your business card is a very good idea as well, but may not set you apart.

So how will you stand out among countless others if everyone lists the same sorts of contact mediums on their business cards?  Be memorable in person, of course!  People have a tendency to forget names and faces though, so the solution is to include something the others probably will not.

A short, thought-provoking, handwritten statement
This is a strategy that I have recently employed.  I usually carry about five or six business cards in my wallet at all times.  When I find myself with a few idle minutes I'll break one out, flip over to the blank side, and write.  I jot down a personal philosophy, a goal, or an interesting thought or idea that happens to be passing through my brain.

For example, the latest one I wrote was, 

Developing and maintaining mutually beneficial exchange relationships. 
-Steve Korchynsky's Definition of Marketing

I'm interested in all things related to marketing, and this little piece of information expresses that in a powerful way.  I imagine that anyone I connect with will find this personal touch to set me apart.

Anyone can print thousands of business cards.  Take some time to add a little something more than what the printer can.  It will add value to your networking tool, and in turn add value to you.  

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


This is a question that I often ask myself.

This is a question that anyone reading this blog would ask of me as well.

The simple answer to this question is "just because."  I want to share my thoughts and ideas, post about various subjects that I find interesting, and give people something to think about, and act on. - This is a quick, concise, yet broad response.

Sometimes the time spent thinking about the answer to this question could be used for something more productive.

Instead of spending too much time thinking about the answer, and providing a very thorough one, I will begin this blog and allow the content to do the answering.  My actions over time will prove much truer than any answer I can provide at the current moment.

Actively find, and create the answers to the questions that seem unanswerable.